Case Study
Coming Soon…
Paul Samulowitz
Paul Samulowitz is an accomplished business professional and entrepreneur that has formed and led many technology-based businesses throughout his accomplished career. He has spent over 25 years developing a strong competency and respected reputation in the document management, scanning, imaging and processing industry. As founder of CMM Paul is responsible for setting the company’s strategic direction, forming industry alliances and developing new technologies and service lines.
Daisy Barapatre
Daisy brings leadership and value to this woman owned organization. She brings 20 years of experience in successfully running IT based solution company. Her initiatives include process management and document management. She is visionary in starting initiatives for paper-less offices.
Sammy Zamora
Manager of Operations
Sammy Zamora has over 10 years of experience in the Digitization field. He started as a contractor and rose as a prominent member of the CMM team, eventually making his way to Manager of Operations. Since starting, he has trained in every step of the conversion process, eventually becoming the De Facto trainer for new employees.
Sammy’s expertise involves ingestion of new projects and ensures that project gets efficiently executed and delivered. Sammy has successfully brought multiple projects from the bid phase to completion and delivery.
Chandraish Sinha
Project Manager
Certified PMP and a prolific author.
Prior to joining CMM, Chandraish has worked in many fortune 500 companies in large implementations across various domains. Chandraish is also a Business Intelligence expert and a training enthusiast. He is a founder of Ohio Computer Academy.
His strong leadership overseeing the projects, product and platform development initiatives has helped CMM in delivering many projects seamlessly.
Chandraish possesses skills in the areas of Project Management, Solution Architecture, Requirement Analysis, and Client Management.